By the time the government got wind of Clarion Call and plugged the holes in their software that overlooked such enormous activity, it was too late. Those same unplugged software holes and in time the total disregard given a company, – a legal and legitimate company that disobeyed no laws and filed all tax returns promptly became the vehicle to overhaul an entire government, the largest and most powerful government in the world.
Clarion Call was also a giver of political contributions, giving equally to Democrats and Republicans, liberals and conservatives. The company played no political favorites but its even-handed contributions to campaigns, local and national, across the country, kept the politicos content and this too kept CC out of the spotlight.
Clarion Call was not formed as some sort of pre-planned revolutionary group as accused. Clarion Call grew and thrived because it was free from government intrusion and was nourished by the ingenuity, talent and dreams of the American people. Not a single politician ever belonged to Clarion Call.
Other Books include:
• Attention, Please
• Everything You Need to Know About Being a Woman Can Be Learned in the Garden
• Memoirs of Josephine Fish
• Mystery and Mirth